Monday 8 November 2010


Well I've finally taken the plunge and created my first blog.... bit intimidating I must admit ....what are you supposed to write? Will it be interesting? Funny? Thought provoking? Or none of the above?

Maybe I should take it back to the beginning ... I love photography and this blog is mostly centred around where my camera takes me and the adventures that we have. There will be laughter and tears in this Journey and many new experiences and friends. I welcome you to join me and experience it all with me.

Well let me tell you a little about myself but not too much as I'm sure we have plenty of time to get to know each other and we really dont want to rush do we??? So where do I begin on my bio?? lol...I'm Pakistani and Muslim as well as being Female... hmmmmm gives you a really interesting perspective on life.
I live in London and I love photography. Ive been doing it for just over a year and am pretty much self taught expect for a brief evening class with the amazing Simon. Mostly full of OAPs but bless them they were sweet...needless to say I got my basics from here plus a little confidence from Simon and thus my Journey began.

Its been an interesting Journey so far.. I've met the most amazing people and made some really great friends as well as got involved in some really good causes and events.
Its helped mould and shape me into the person that I have become.
Sounds a bit off key but its helped me to gain confidence, grow and evolve and really open my eyes to the world around me. Sometimes I find myself walking around as if my eyes are my camera lens and looking at things in a snap shot... its amazing how different the world looks when you do that.
Its like when you take a photo you have to stop for a hot minute and actually look at the world around you. We live this ridiculously fast life where we wear these blinkers that only allow us to see the path that we need to take. Sometimes its just nice to step off that path and look around a bit see whats really out there. And that's what photography has taught me to do. Its taught me to catch that special glint in the eye, that coy smile, those wrinkles that tell a thousand stories not to overlook the little things.

I know that i have a long and arduous journey ahead of me... I have so much still to learn and so much still to experience. I'm like a child teetering on his first step.... unsure but full of courage and excitement. Its a big world out there and me and my camera are about to find out how big.

So again I thank you for joining me on my adventures....... get ready for the pics, the rants and the silly postings xxxx

cu next time Anika

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